Leksikalna_001 Web dictionary demo represents an attempt to visualize Slovene Lexical Database on the web.
You can also download the database.


Slovene Lexical Database was created between 2008 and 2012 and represents a comprehensive syntactic and semantic description of a selected set of Slovene words. The description was based exclusively on the analysis of reference corpora of Slovene.

The wordlist in the Lexical Database was selected from 5,000 most frequent word in FidaPLUS and Gigafida corpora. In addition, we also considered a selection of words from school books in order to accomodate the needs of school population.

The purpose of creating Slovene Lexical Database is, first, to fill the existing gap in comprehensive lexical description of Slovene both from the point of view of detecting changes in the modern vocabulary of Slovene and of introducing modern lexicographic procedures in Slovene lexicography. It offers information about the meaning of words, their tipical context, stylistic, pragmatic and other peculiarities, fixed expressions and phraseology to general users, school population and learners of Slovene as a foreign language. All information intended for “human” users are worded in the manner known to the user from everyday communication. And secondly, Slovene Lexical Database is designed to provide language data in the form useful for natural language processing applications and language technology tools for Slovene.


The database contains 2,500 entries with 10,946 lexical units: senses, sub-senses, multi-word units and phraseological units.

database entries 2,500   lexical units 10,946   collocations 44,626
nouns 1,288   senses 4,371   extended collocations 4,602
verbs 528   sub-senses 3,076   syntactic combinations 8,298
adjectives 546   multi-word units 2,053   syntactic patterns 7,151
adverbs 138   phrasological units 1,446   examples 152,996
            labels 1,197
            grammatical restrictions 716


The concept of Slovene Lexical Database is based on best practices of similar projects for other European languages and at the same time it takes specific characteristics of Slovene into account. It brings a new style of semantic description of Slovene vocabulary which is focused on typical context and based on the image of Slovene as found in real texts.

The database is structured as a network of interrelated semantic and syntactic information about a particular word. Semantic level represents the top level in the hierarchy with the lexical unit as its core element. This includes all senses of the headwrd, multi-word expressions and phraseological units. Each sense is described with a short semantic indicator and/or whole-sentence definition which includes typical syntactic environment of the headword with the relevant number, form and semantic types in a valency frame (semantic frame). These are also reflected in a number of syntactic structures and corresponding collocations. All the higher types of information are confirmed by a selection of corpus examples.

Multi-word expressions and phraseological units are treated independently from particular senses of the headword and have their own internal structure which requires the same types of information as single-word entries or senses.


In Slovene Lexical Database, full attention was given to the fact that semantic description cannot be separated from the syntactic environment of the word. This view was the source of a number of innovative lexicographic solution for Slovene, such as the inclusion of semantic frames written as whole-sencence definitions containing SEMANTIC TYPES in predictable valency patterns.


In Slovene Lexical Database, data are organized in a modular manner and can be combined in different ways. They are accessible on different levels of abstraction taking into account also different possible end users.

General and school users will benefit from semantic descriptions in the form of short semantic indicators generating a sense menu for easier navigation through polysemic entry, as well as semantic frames containing whole-sentence definitions.

Collocations and corpus examples show how words are used in their most typical environment in real texts. They represent a direct and unmediated type of information on the word environment which is important for learning Slovene as a foreign language.

Linguists will be able to recognize basic valency patterns in whole-sentence definition and their relation with different possible syntactic realization which are frequently used in written communication by speakers of Slovene.

Encoded syntactic structures and patterns for each registered sense and subsense of the word are designed for language technologies to enable the improvement of automatic annotation of Slovene texts on the level of morpho-syntactic, syntactic and semantic levels, as well as to contribute to the development of language technology applications for Slovene in general.



Technical support: Rok Rejc, Polonca Kocjančič

Administrative support: Karmen Kosem



GANTAR, Polona, GRABNAR, Katja, KOCJANČIČ, Polona, KREK, Simon, POBIRK, Olga, REJC, Rok, ŠORLI, Mojca, ŠUSTER, Simon, ZARANŠEK, Petra, 2009: Specifikacije za izdelavo leksikalne baze za slovenščino: standard za izdelavo posamezne leksikalne enote v leksikalni bazi. Projekt »Sporazumevanje v slovenskem jeziku« ESS in MŠŠ.

GANTAR, Polona, GRABNAR, Katja, KOCJANČIČ, Polona, KREK, Simon, POBIRK, Olga, REJC, Rok, ŠORLI, Mojca, ŠUSTER, Simon, ZARANŠEK, Petra, 2009: Specifikacije za izdelavo leksikalne baze za slovenščino: opis analize referenčnega korpusa. Projekt »Sporazumevanje v slovenskem jeziku« ESS in MŠŠ.


FIŠER, Darja, GANTAR, Polona, KREK, Simon, 2012: Using explicitly and implicitly encoded semantic relations to map Slovene wordnet and Slovene lexical database. V: 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. LREC 2012 : proceedings (Workshops: Semantic relations II). Istanbul: ELRA, 2012. Str. 77-84.

GANTAR, Polona, 2011: Leksikalna baza za slovenščino: komu, zakaj in kako (naprej)?. Jezikoslovni zapiski, 2011, 17, št. 2. Str. 77-92.

GANTAR, Polona, 2010: K uporabniku usmerjeni slovnično-leksikalni opisi slovenskega jezika. V: GORJANC, Vojko (ur.), ŽELE, Andreja (ur.). Izzivi sodobnega jezikoslovja, (Zbirka Razprave FF). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2010 Str. 35-51.

GANTAR, Polona, 2009: Leksikalna baza: vse, kar ste vedno želeli vedeti o jeziku. Jezik in slovstvo, letn. 54, št. ¾. Str. 69-94.

GANTAR, Polona, KREK, Simon, 2011: Slovene lexical database. V: Majchraková, D., Garabík, R. (ur.). Natural language processing, multilinguality: sixth international conference, Modra, Slovaška, 20-21. Oktober 2011. Str. 72-80.

GANTAR, Polona, KREK, Simon,  2009: Drugačen pogled na slovarske definicije: opisati, pojasniti, razložiti?. V: STABEJ, Marko (ur.). Infrastruktura slovenščine in slovenistike, Obdobja, Simpozij, = Symposium, 28). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. Str. 151-159.

GRABNAR, Katja, 2010: Slikar slika, slikarka ilustrira? Vprašanje  ženskih poimenovanj oseb v opisu sodobne slovenščine. V: VINTAR, Špela (ur.). Slovenske korpusne raziskave, (Zbirka Prevodoslovje in uporabno jezikoslovje). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. Str.

KOCJANČIČ, Polonca, ZARANŠEK, Petra, 2009: The Slovene Lexical Database: The Organizing Principles of the Argument Structure. V: Sánchez Pérez, A., P. Cantos Gómez: A survey on corpus-based research [Elektronski vir] = Panorama de investigaciones basadas en corpus. Murcia: AELINCO. Str. 293-206.

KOSEM, Iztok, GANTAR, Polona, KREK, Simon, 2012: Avtomatično luščenje leksikalnih podatkov iz korpusa. V: T. Erjavec, J. Gros (ur.) Zbornik konference Jezikovne tehnologije. Institut Jožef Stefan, 8.-9.oktober 2012, Ljubljana.

KOSEM, Iztok, HUSÁK, Miloš, MCCARTHY, Diana, 2011: GDEX for Slovene. V: Kosem, I., Kosem K. (ur.): Electronic Lexicography in the 21st Century: New applications for new users. Proceedings of eLex 2011, Bled, 10-12 November 2011. Ljubljana: Trojina, zavod za uporabno slovenistiko. Str. 151-159.

KREK, Simon, 2012: New Slovene sketch grammar for automatic extraction of lexical data. SKEW3, tretja mednarodna delavnica orodja Sketch Engine, Brno, Češka, 21-22. marec 2012.

ŠORLI, Mojca, 2011: Pragmatic Components in the Slovene Lexical Database Descriptions. V: Kosem, I., Kosem K. (ur.): Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: new applications for new users. Proceedings of eLex 2011, 10-12 November 2011, Bled, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies. Str. 251-259.

ŠORLI, Mojca, 2010: The retrieval of data for Slovene-X dictionaries. V: Proceedings of the XIV Euralex International Congress. Leeuwarden, 6-10 July 2010. Ljouwert: Fryske Akademy. Str. 849-854.

ŠORLI, Mojca,  2009: Pridobivanje podatkov o slovenščini za izdelavo slovensko-tujejezičnih slovarjev. V: STABEJ, Marko (ur.). Infrastruktura slovenščine in slovenistike, Obdobja, Simpozij, = Symposium, 28. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.  Str. 359-369.


GANTAR, Polona, 2012: Večbesedne leksikalne enote v leksikalni bazi za slovenščino : [predavanje na mednarodni konferenci Europhras 2012, Maribor, 27.-31. 7. 2012]. Maribor, 2012.

GANTAR, Polona, KREK, Simon, 2009: The “communication in Slovene” language resources project : [predavanje na mednarodni konferenci "Mondilex", Bratislava, 15.-16. 4. 2009]. Bratislava.

GANTAR, Polona, KREK, Simon, 2009: Slovene lexical database for NLP and lexicographic purposes : [predavanje na konferenci "eLexicography in the 21st century", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgija, 22.-24. 10. 2009]. Louvain-la-Neuve.


KOSEM, Iztok, 2011: GDEX for Slovene. Predavanje na konferenci: Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: new applications for new users (eLex2011).

GANTAR, Polona, 2011: Kjer se srečata pomen in skladnja: Leksikalna baza za slovenščino kot vir podatkov za pedagoško korpusno slovnico. Predavanje na konferenci “Slovnica, več kot le sistem”, Ljubljana, 4. 2. 2011.

GANTAR, Polona, 2009: Leksikalna baza: vse, kar ste vedno želeli vedeti o jeziku. Predavanje na konferenci “Slovarji več kot le besede”, Ljubljana, 6. 2. 2009.