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The main goal of the project activity “Pedagogical grammar portal” is to establish which are the real problems that pupils and students encouter when writing in standard Slovene, and to offer them explanations and solutions to these problems in an interesting and easy-to-understand form.
In line with modern trends in didactics and general technological developments in society the presentation of grammatical information was prepared in the form of a web portal. The advantages of internet medium is in its interactivness and the ability to link different types of resources.
The contents of the portal is defined by the initial decision to present grammatical information on the basis of extracted data from text corpora and to take into account also modern findings about language. As such, the portal shows the image of real, live Slovene as it is used here and now. It is designed with the aim to be used both in Slovene classes and for individual use at home.
To find out which are the most troublesome spots in Slovene grammar among the school population we collected an extensive corpus of texts written by pupils and students during school lessons. Text were transcribed and digitized, together with teachers’ corrections, and grammatical errors were analysed both manually and automatically. The resulting corpus is named “Šolar” (Student).
Each of the chapters in the grammar portal focuses on a particular concrete language problem. As a result, each chapter represents a single entity and knowledge about other grammatical problemes is not needed. A lot of effort was put into development of comprehensible explanations: terminology is limited to a minimum, more demanding terms are explained, the lanugage of definitions is very simple. This concept enables teachers to combine school lessions with the use of portal at home.
As the chapters are based on the analysis of actual errors of pupils and students they enable teachers to make effective use of the time available for teaching literacy. Instead of doing general exercises indiscriminately, students can be geared towards studying chapters which focus on their actual problems.
On the portal, language phenomena are not discussed in an abstract and formal fashion, presentations are practical and useful, thus representing a suitable answer to the common frustrastion of grammar learning pupils and students who often wonder “when will we need this in real life”.
User-friendliness of the grammar portal is also expressed in the fact that in addition to teaching pupils and students grammatical rules it instructs them which language resources are available for Slovene, and when and how to use them. First and formost, in what way to collect and interpret data from a particular resource.
Grammar chapters are linked to the following resources: written corpus of Slovene Gigafida, corpus of spoken Slovene GOS, Slovene morphological lexicon Sloleks, online dictionary of Slovene literary language SSKJ , online dictionary of Slovene ortography, web dictionary of Slovene (SSSJ), terminology portal Termania etc.
Coordination: Špela Arhar Holdt (during maternity leave: Iztok Kosem)
Core team: Gaja Červ, Iztok Kosem, Irena Krapš Vodopivec, Sara Može, Mojca Stritar
Extended team: Katja Dragar, Urška Jarnovič, Karmen Kosem, Nina Ledinek, Nina Modrijan, Tanja Svenšek, Mojca Šorli, Jerneja Umer, Ana Zwitter Vitez
Expert advisers: Helena Dobrovoljc, Kaja Dobrovoljc, Polona Gantar, Simon Krek, Nataša Logar Berginc, Tadeja Rozman, Darinka Verdonik
Technical support and programming: Mihael Arčan, Peter Ljubič, Simon Rigač, Miro Romih
Conference papers, Journal articles, Books
KOSEM, Iztok, ROZMAN, Tadeja in STRITAR, Mojca, 2012: How do Slovenian primary and secondary school students write and what their teachers correct: a corpus of student writing. Proceedings of The Corpus Linguistics Conference 2011 (Birmingham, 20-22 July 2011).
KOSEM, Iztok (ur.), 2012. Analiza jezikovnih težav učencev: korpusni pristop. V pripravi.
ROZMAN, Tadeja, 2012: Jezikovni pouk slovenščine: model (za) nove generacije. V tisku. (Zbornik Slavističnega kongresa, ki bo izšel konec septembra.)
ROZMAN, Tadeja, KRAPŠ VODOPIVEC, Irena, STRITAR, Mojca in KOSEM, Iztok, 2012: Empirični pogled na pouk slovenskega jezika. Ljubljana: Trojina, zavod za uporabno slovenistiko.
KOSEM, Iztok in MOŽE, Sara, 2011. Rešitve slovničnih zagat na dosegu miške: analiza napak v besedilih učencev in dijakov za potrebe elektronskega slovničnega vira. V: KRANJC, Simona (ur.). Meddisciplinarnost v slovenistiki, (Obdobja, Simpozij, = Symposium, 30). 1. natis. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, str. 249-257.
Špela Arhar Holdt, 2012: Pedagoška korpusna slovnica med Scilo in Karibdo – jezikovna norma in korpusni podatki.
Iztok Kosem, 2011: Pedagoška korpusna slovnica – učencu prijazna “slovnica”.
Tadeja Rozman, 2011: Šola(r) in slovnica.
Marko Stabej, 2011: Slovnica in slovenstvo.
Radio talks
Špela Arhar Holdt, 2012: Pedagoška korpusna slovnica.