1. Darinka Verdonik, Ana Zwitter Vitez: Slovenski govorni korpus GosThe book describes the concept, the process of building and possible uses of the first reference spoken corpus of Slovene.
2. Tadeja Rozman, Mojca Stritar, Irena Krapš Vodopivec, Iztok Kosem: Empirični pogled na jezikovni pouk slovenščineThe book deals with the contemporary instruction of the Slovene language in primary and secondary schools in Slovenia. This research is complemented by the description of the corpus of school essays Šolar.
3. Nataša Logar Berginc, Miha Grčar, Marko Brakus, Tomaž Erjavec, Špela Arhar Holdt in Simon Krek: Korpusi slovenskega jezika Gigafida, KRES, ccGigafida in ccKRES: gradnja, vsebina, uporabaThe book describes various written corpora of Slovene which were built in the “Communication in Slovene” project. Most notable the extensive Gigafida corpus, the balanced Kres corpus and two downloadable corpora ccGigafida in ccKRES.
To be published:
4. Polona Gantar: Leksikalna baza za slovenščino
5. Simon Krek, Iztok Kosem: Korpusni podatki in leksikalna baza
6. Simon Krek, Sara Može: Sistem skladenjskega razčlenjevanja JOS-SSJ
7. Simon Krek, Kaja Dobrovoljc, Miha Grčar: Učni korpus, označevalnik, leksikon